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Food Panty

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The Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM and serves people in the 14225 zip code


The Pantry graciously accepts donations from the public. Items in need include: Canned corn, canned creamed corn, canned fruit, cake mixes, canned pasta, pasta sauce, egg noodles, canned green beans, baked beans, peanut butter, canned peas, canned spinach, canned beets, diced tomatoes tomato soup, chicken soup, canned chicken, canned tuna, pancake mix, pancake syrup elbow noodles, spaghetti, breakfast cereal (no oatmeal) Juices (Sunny D, apple, tomato), Jelly in squeeze bottles, toilet tissue, body and/or dish soap, laundry detergent


If you would like to donate, please contact the church office (716) 633-6752 or


Lutheran Women's Missionary League

The LWML assists the women of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in affirming their relationship with the God so they are enabled to use their gifts in ministry to the people of the world through service, mission, education, and mission inspiration. The Saint Luke Society of LWML meets the third Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. from September to June. Ladies are asked to bring a sandwich; dessert and beverage are provided. Mite boxes are collected and Lutheran Women's quarterlies are distributed throughout the year. Contact Marg Albert (875-9363) for more information.

Prayer Chain

It is a Christian privilege to lift up each other celebrations and concerned to the Lord God Almighty in prayer. If you have a special prayer request that you would like to have included on our Prayer Chain, please contact Betty Ann Schmitt at (686-0642)

Children's Ministry

NURSERY (New Born - 3-year-old)

We provide a safe, happy environment for healthy, active toddlers, and infants who find it difficult to sit quietly through an entire worship service. This gives moms and dads the chance to grow in worship without stress. Our Nursery Ministry is offered for children newborn through 3 years of age during the 11:00 worship hour.
Children are welcome in the worship service, but was also have a Child Care Room located back of the sanctuary. It is equipped with a large window looking into our Sanctuary and speakers so you can listen to the worship service while in this quiet space. There you will also find picture books for children to color, puzzles, and other age-appropriate toys.


SUNDAY SCHOOL (3-year-olds - 5th grade)


Sunday School is for children to learn more about the Bible and how to apply God's Word to their lives. Sunday School is held during the 11:00 worship hour from September - June. Children gather in worship and they are dismissed to Sunday School after the children's message. In Sunday School our children learn from God's Holy Word, the meaning and purpose of the Christian faith, using crafts, music, and creative teaching techniques. For more information or if you have any questions contact Annie Schultz or Michelle Silverblatt at, or the church office.



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